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History of Ringer Tee | Ringer Tee的傳奇

Ringer Tee, 顧名思義就是在一件素色T-shirt的領口和袖口,編了個顏色較鮮艷的圈,以呈現撞色和點綴的效果。起源於50年代的美國,最經典的配色為白底黑滾邊。原本是為運動員打造的服飾,利用領口袖口的顏色分辨運動隊伍。後來慢慢流傳到民間,加上搖滾人士的著用,Ringer Tee便迅速被當下年輕和次文化群眾追捧,甚至對服飾文化做出相當的影響。

相較於當時的普通T-shirt,簡潔且獨特的設計確實增添了幾分活力和時尚感。70年代時期,Ringer Tee更迎來了高峰,演變成幾乎每個年少年的必備品。

而說到搖滾及次文化,不得不提這位,說是影響全世界都不為過的The Beatles創始成員,John Lennon,以下是他的著用圖。

John Lennon wears a sleeveless NYC ringer tee

Ringer Tee, also known as a plain tee with contrast-coloured ribbing as an eye-catching detail.

The tee came about in the 50s in America, and it was made trendy by the hippies who were influenced by musicians like the Ramones, Lou Reed and John Lennon, to name a few.

In comparison to a normal tee shirt, the Ringer Tee stands out a lil more with detailing that add vintage/sporty vibes to it. This trend continued thriving in the 70s and has since become a timeless piece.


Emma Roberts & Damon Albarn

OASIS, Liam Gallagher

KIDS (1995) by Larry Clark

Mid90s (2018) by Jonah Hill


