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Do we ever fear "FEAR" 我們真的害怕“恐懼”嗎?

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

終於抽出一些時間寫一下我們剛推出的 SS22 【F.E.A.R】背後的一些靈感了!

這次的我們想探討的課題其實也就是疫情開始時的一些感受 然後就有了一種很強烈的感覺就是—恐懼真的是讓人屈服的原因嗎。當然我們也一貫地把我們常聽的歌手當做藍圖來去把整件事件提升它的趣味。當下就想到Ian Brown的一首歌— F.E.A.R 也覺得蠻適合現在的氛圍所以就想以這個課題來作為主題讓大家討論一下。

Ian Brown 這首歌最巧妙的地方就是 每一段歌詞的第一個字母串起來 就會拼成FEAR。而且最有意思的地方就是每段歌詞都有他想傳達的訊息如 Face Everybody And Rule, Fantastic Expectations Amazing Revelations, Final Execution And Resurrection等。這令我想起Noam Chomsky的討論關於社會語言結構的問題 就是我們對文字的印象通常是通過經驗/ 傳承或教育而產生的 如這個字FEAR(恐懼)。


不過在Ian Brown這首歌裡 他在每段歌詞解剖了FEAR這個字眼 再注入他的想法進去每個字裡 比如說以上幾段歌詞都是帶有正面和反抗的意思 而壓縮整段字的話就形成了FEAR。也是Ian Brown對這個社會在對恐懼和文字所形成的一種刻板印象的反抗。把恐懼的意思傳達成一種面對現實和讓人反思我們所恐懼的是不是真正的恐懼。副歌部分Ian Brown唱的 " YOU GOT THE FEAR" 的意思就更顯得他所說的FEAR也有了不同的面向。不同人對恐懼的理解就會對這句歌詞有不一樣的解讀,也是這首歌最為有意思的地方!







我們這次把我們日常的愛好比如說攀岩,登山或是跑步為設計方向。再來就是把不必要的設計都去除掉,而把中心放在面料,材質和硬件上。以讓產品本身的重量減到最適合夏天著用,而面料也採用輕薄且有功能性的防潑水尼龍ripstop。就算下雨天也不怕衣服或褲子濺到水,夏天穿著襯衫外搭也不會覺得悶熱又帶出低調的comfy boy vibes~

顏色和設計上我們這次也做得比以往來得較簡單,原因是可以讓產品本身發揮到搭配性多元化的選擇。當出門不知道要穿什麼時,就可以隨手拿我們的單品和你衣櫥任何品牌的衣物搭配一起,而省下你的時間因為時間就是金錢 然後某程度上又是在省錢了!


褲子類我們也做了長度在膝蓋以上的剪裁,加上這樣活動時就比較方便又耐穿。像我們的GOOD Easy Shorts就是5“ 長度,穿著做運動或休閒時這兩種情況 這個短褲就非常適合我們的氣候和搭配起來也非常簡單俐落了!

帽子也用了大家最為熟悉的6 panel cap,也是採用了輕薄防潑水ripstop來應對雨天~

硬件上我們也下了很多功夫來讓大家發掘一些小細節。鈕扣我們採用了日本SunGrip的鈕扣(SunGrip有多厲害上網查一查就知道了~)以加強著用感的舒適度~ 褲子類的插扣就用了日本YKK旋轉式插扣,拉鍊也是YKK的,還有我們標誌性的登山繩也是用了美國的ATWOOD 他們的繩子比市面上來得更紮實和比較耐久~

最後也感謝各位支持~ 因為現在有些單品已經斷碼了!如果有你喜歡的就趕緊把握機會 想試穿的朋友也可以到我們的經銷商去試穿~ 然後記得拍照po出來標籤我們!讓我們看看到底有多帥!!

好就這樣!下個文章應該會回來介紹電影給大家 雖然不知道有沒有人讀我們的文章 😀



Alright! Finally got some time to write some inspiration/ creative thoughts behind of our latest release [ F.E.A.R]

here we gooo!

Our latest release, F.E.A.R, was inspired by the events of the pandemic and the role that fear played in society during and after the crisis. The song "F.E.A.R" by Ian Brown resonated with us and we felt it captured the feelings of the moment.

One interesting aspect of the song is that each verse is an acronym for FEAR. Ian Brown uses this to deliver his message, using phrases like "Face Everybody And Rule," "Fantastic Expectations Amazing Revelations," and "Final Execution And Resurrection." This reminded us of Noam Chomsky's discussions about the construction of language and how words are defined by experience and education. The word "fear" often carries negative connotations, but Ian Brown gives it a more positive, energetic, rebellious meaning in his lyrics. By understanding the different meanings of fear, we can learn how to face it more effectively.

The chorus, "You Got The Fear," also raises an interesting point. People who don't understand fear and those who do may have different interpretations of the word. It raises the question: do we really fear fear itself, or is it the consequences of our actions that we fear will lead to failure?

Overall, Ian Brown's song inspires us to think about fear in a different way and to confront it with determination and a positive attitude.


Enough of that and let's talk about our creative thought process!

So when we were setting a direction for our design, we wanted to go back to the fundamental functionality for apparel.

[ Comfortability, Weight, Fit, Versatility & Durablility ]

When designing our apparel, we focused on the fundamental functionality: comfort, weight, fit, versatility, and durability. We wanted our garments to be suitable for outdoor activities like bouldering, hiking, and running, as well as for casual wear. To achieve this, we selected lightweight, water-resistant ripstop fabric for most of our shirts, which is comfortable in hot climates and prevents the shirt from getting wet in the rain. We also kept the design and colour simple and versatile, so our products can be easily matched with any wardrobe.

The purpose of the flexibility is to save up our time cause time is money and eventually we're saving your money too mate!

Our tops are all boxy fit, with a shorter length to create an oversized look without making the legs appear short. The extra space in the fit also allows for easy movement without tearing the tops. We also made some above-knee length shorts that can be used for outdoor sports or casual wear. In addition, we created a compact, 6-panel cap using the same fabric.

We also upgraded our hardware for added enjoyment when wearing our garments. We used snap buttons from SunGrip (Japan), rotary release buckles, and zippers from YKK (Japan), and our signature climbing rope from ATWOOD (USA).

Just head to our webstore to find out more about our latest release and we want to give a huge shout out to those who support us cause some products already ran out of sizes! Madness!

Please take some outfit picture and tag us!

Alright guess we'll come back with another journal even though still not sure if anyone reads 😀

But it'll be a movie recommendation! So see y'all!

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