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A/W 20 - S/S 21          On Thin Ice

Choose either Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and a thousand other ways to spew bile at people you’ve never met. Choose updating your profile; telling the world what you had for breakfast and hope that someone somewhere cares.


Choose looking up old flames, desperate to believe that you don’t look as bad as they do. Choose to forget your existence, take a drug, any drugs in hopes to escape.


Are we both just some lost souls swimming in a fish bowl? We’re still running the same old ground and all we've found is the same old fear?


Are we walking on thin ice or are we comfortably numb to whatever is happening around us.

2021年至,新的一年依舊新希望,新嘗試。過去一年,相信大家大部分時間都過著Badtimes,懷著膽顫的心情亦然渡過,仿如驚險地越過了一片薄冰。預想著絕處逢生後的美好情景,然而現實卻未如理想,仍然有很多潛在的危機處於千鈞一髮之際,隨時爆發,你我都好像走到深水潭的邊緣,踩在薄冰上一樣,戰戰兢兢,如臨深淵,如履薄冰。正因爲這不尋常的一年帶來了不一樣的契機,啓發了我們決定用《如履薄冰》來奠定2021春夏系列的主題。 面對百年一遇的災難,也無可奈何地接受現實和調整心態,迎接新常態的到來。在這段折騰的日子裏,不妨選擇在空餘時間,參與一些内在和心靈建設的活動。而我們在這期間也重溫了一些經典大作,像是 Danny Boyle 執導的電影 Trainspotting 和 Pink Floyd 的 音樂專輯 Wish You Were Here。這兩部作品分別在電影史以及搖滾史上都扮演舉足輕重的角色,深深影響了爾後流行文化的發展,它們異曲同工地在描述對生活的無力感、空虛感,在2021的今天重看重聼多次,都會產生新的共鳴之處。

On Thin Ice

On Thin Ice

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